Saturday, June 20, 2009

Passion 4 Golf =3

To set the fact right, golf is not only an old men’s game! Golf is a game which requires one to be fit physically and mentally. So, you can’t categorize golf as an old men’s game because there are more and more strong youngsters picking up this game; and they are as good as the older men, both physically and mentally.

Golf needs the players to be fit because the players are going to be walking the golf course for more than 4 hours! Players would need to endure the walk to maintain their playing performance. That’s why youngsters who have more stamina than older men have an advantage to the youngsters. The flexibility of the younger players also is an advantage over the older men. With a flexible body, the player is able to do a more dynamic swing compared to a stiff body. Of course, youngsters have a more flexible body which give them the upper hand.

Although older men might have more experience and are capable of making wiser choices, but young players have higher imagination power. Young players are able to visualize shots easier than older men because older men think logically which blocks their imagination. A coach once told me, “Just hit, and don’t think.” I find that statement very true because with a clearer mind, a player can play his/her shot with higher confidence.

Let me show you the capability of the only golf player who everyone knows:

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