Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Laptops are the Bombs!

Laptops are so popular now that even a 7 year old child owns one! O.o The reason for it is because laptops are so convenient to use, they are fancy and they are made user friendly; so it is easy to use!

How is the laptop convenient? Unlike the traditional computers, which consist of a monitor and CPU, laptops are easy to carry along everywhere you go. A very good example of laptop users are college going students. When attending a lecture, it is very convenient to bring along your laptop to jot -down short notes, voice-record a session, and even note down certain important dates and time like examination dates. Another example of laptop users are office working adults. It is difficult and inconvenient to carry the whole computer to work every day because it is heavy to carry. It is also tough to carry along a pen drive everyday because pen drives are small and it may drop out anytime without noticing.

Another factor to why laptops are able to attract people is because of its fancy design. Although traditional computers can be fancy too, but no one is going to see it when it is placed at one location only, whereas laptops can be seen whenever you bring it out with you.

Most importantly, laptops are user friendly too. People of all ages can use the laptop! For the elder people who do not possess good eyesight anymore, laptops are better to use because they can adjust the angle of the screen easily to suit their eyesight. Not only that, it is also easy to adjust the brightness of the screen, unlike the traditional computer where the button is so small located on the monitor which make it hard to press.

Check out these sites, cool laptops!

· http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2328904,00.asp

· http://www.crn.com/hardware/210003613;jsessionid=TBG4VZGQ1QOQWQSNDLPCKHSCJUNN2JVN?pgno=3

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